Friday 22 November 2013

Warm - Ups

Warm Ups

At the beginning of our lessons we practise some Warm - Ups to help us become more alert and to test our multi tasking skills.

This game has 3 layers (almost like levels making the game more difficult). To begin this game you stand in a circle and have an object that is safe to throw (preferably a soft ball). For the first layer of this game you have to say a persons name and remember who's name that you said, you can practise more and more to see how fast you are able to go. For the second layer of the game use the object and throw it in a different pattern, to a different person and remember who you threw to however don't say their name. Afterwards you can combine the two layers together and say the persons name for the first layer whilst throwing the ball at the person you threw it to in the second layer. Layer 3 is a mystery.

This game is very interesting as doing two completely different things at once can be very difficult and really confusing. The hardest thing about the game is that when someone drops the ball it is not a negative and that you have to accept the ball dropping and move on. Even though you are probably used to thinking of this in a negative way you have to resist the urge and move on.

Hand Raise Fall
This game contains a lot of layers and each becoming more difficult as they progress. To begin this game you will need a group of people who you think that you can trust because this game will not work without trust. Layer one consists of a protagonist showing how to start the game. They will explain that when the protagonist says 'me' and raises their hand they then should have the courage to fall back and everyone in the class should be keeping the protagonist from falling. When keeping the protagonist from falling it is crucial to support their back and not to hurt them then you have to give them a gentle push back up. Layer two was when ayone had the power to say 'me' and raise your hand and as a result of this their shoul have been many supporters. If two people said 'me' at the same time neither of you were abke to go. Layer three consists of 'mes' and 'yous' instaed of just saying me you also had the power to say you and point at someone whilst doing this because they needed to be noticed. When this happened you are supposed to fall even if you didnt say me becuase they said ' you' and that has the power to now make you fall. Once again if two people said ' you neither would go or you would wait to see if one person had decided not to fall and instead only you would fall.

Catch A Clap

Catch a clap is a game about spacial awareness, you start a beat with your feet that throughout the game no matter what is going on you cannot lose the beat with your feet as it will disrupt the flow of the claps. Throughout the game
Milling consists of 5 levels (1 - 5) . 1 is the lowest and 5 is the highest, the game is very complicated and for it to work you have to fill the space completely using not just your bodies but also using peripheral vision and collective responsibility. This game consists of constantly moving around the space always having spacial awareness and not bumping into people , when moving you don't have to walk you can also run,jog,swerve etc. 
1= Very slow but not slow motion
2= Depressing but not emotional
3= Neutral
4= Frantic getting faster
5= Controlled chaos

Jacque Lecoq


Coral movement, consists of following the leader and using your peripheral vision whilst simultaneously following the leader. Make sure that you never loose sight of the leader and if you do make sure you are always able to see someone as you will be unable to follow the leader if you are not aware of them, copy the movement at the exact pace not changing anything just imitating.

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